Thursday, 18 June 2015

Easiest way to get your own coconut oil

Coconut oil is a type of oil which is gotten from cocouts. It is very good for cooking, offers a variety of health benefits and also very good for skin and haircare. On this particular topic, i will focus on how best you can make your own coconut oil at home. This actually saves a lot of money and you will also be 100% sure that there are no added preservatives in your coconut oil.

How to make your own coconut oil 

1. For starters, choose three or four mature coconuts. This is very necessary because if you use a young coconut, you will get very little oil. 

2. Shave off the outer shell of the coconut, do this with the help of a knife.

3. Use a hand grater to grate the coconuts. 

4. Extract the coconut milk from the grated coconut using a cheese cloth. Wrap the cheese cloth around the grated coconut and squeeze to exract th milk from the coconut. 

5. Pour the milk in a wide mouthed jar and keep the jar in an isolated place for 24 hours. 

6. After 24 hours, you will notice that the curd will be on top, the oil will be at the middle and water will be at the bottom. 

7. Scoop out the curd with a spoon until you get to the oil, then scoop out the oil and put in a clean container. On the alternative, freeze the coconut milk and after 24 hours when the curd and oil are hard, you can easily separate the curd and oil. 

VĂ³ila! Your homemade coconut oil is ready for use! 

This is the method i use whenever i make my coconut oil because when i tried the heat method, everything burnt and i didnt get any oil. So this is my best reliable method of making coconut oil because it is easy and heat is not involved thereby giving you that pure virgin coconut oil you want! Try making yours and enjoy using it :) 

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