Friday, 12 June 2015

DIY Exfoliants

Why should we exfoliate? 

We all need to exfoliate not just our face but our whole body because when new skin cells form, the dead skin cells stay on top of the new ones which makes the skin appear flaky and dry. This might also lead to skin problema such as acne, this is why exfoliating is necessary because it removes these dead cells entirely making the new skin cells appear to the outer layer of the skin. This makes the skin bright, radiant and beautiful. The good news is that you can do these exfoliants yourself. 

Sugar and lemon 

Sugar and lemon softens and removes dead skin cells. To prepare this exfoliant, place 1/2 cup of coconut oil in a bowl (you can use olive oil or any other oil for your choice). Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to the bowl and stir the mixture together. Add one tablespoon of lemon juice to the mixture as this helps make the scrub more effective. Apply the mixture to a washed face, then use a wet towel to remove the scrub and splash cold water on your face. You can store this mixture in a container with a tight lid as this can stay for some weeks. 


Place yogurt in a bowl and mix with olive oil or a lighter oil such as coconut oil. Apply to your face, leave it on for 15-20 minutes then wash face with cold water and pat your face using a clean dry towel. This helps to stimulate blood flow. 

Baking soda 

Baking soda is one of the major ingredients in many exfoliation products. You can just apply it to your face without mixing any other substance to it or you can mix it with olive oil and apply to the face. Rub it in the face in a circular motion, rinse it off then wash face with your normal facial soap. 


Mix finely ground oatmeal with honey and buttermilk together until the mixture is creamy. Rub on your face in a circular motion and allow to stay for some minutes before washing off. This exfoliant is really gentle and really moisturises the skin. 

Toothpaste and salt 

images: Pixabay

Put one tbsp of toothpaste (not gel) in a bowl, add one teaspoon of salt to the bowl. Mix them together and apply to the skin in a circular motion. Leave for 10-15 minutes then rinse off with warm water and do the rinsing using cold water as this closes the pores. This treatment is not only good for dead  skin but also pimples as well. 

Blueberry and honey 

Mix 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries, 2 tbsps honey and 1 tbsp of sugar together. Put them in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Apply to a washed face and leave for ten minutes before rinsing off. 

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