Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Save more Spend less!

  There are some basic things we should be concerned about which include; budgeting, opening up a savings account and being mindful of how to spend money.


   You can save some bucks if you practise the following steps:

1. DIY:

         There are some things you can do by yourself in your house. For instance, mayonnaise has been proven to be a very good hair conditioner and you can use it on your hair instead of buying expensive hair conditioners that may not actually be good for your hair.
   You can also make soaps, detergents, candles and a lot of other things at home which will cost you little amount of money compared to when you buy them from shops.

2. Fruits and water:

       Always take lots of fruits and drink water regularly. This helps to prevent many diseases and therefore keep you away from the hospital, thereby saving money too. Remember the popular saying "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

3. Always turn off the lights and tap when not in use: 

  Whenever the light and tap are not in use always remember to turn them off because this helps to reduce the light and water bills. In other words, it is equivalent to saving money.

4. Wash hands regularly:

    Though this may sound funny but washing of hands frequently helps to keep diseases away from us. When we are free from diseases, we don't need to go to the hospital and if we don't go to the hospital, there will be no medical bills to be paid!

5. Make a garden:

   It can be a fruit garden, vegetable garden or both depending on the size of one's yard. Go ahead and plant some fruits and vegetables like cabbage or tomatoes and enjoy them fresh without having to spend money.

6. Cook at home:

   Prepare healthy meals at home instead of going to the restaraunts all the time. Sit back at home, relax and enjoy your meal. You can even invite some friends over to the house.

7. Take good care of your appliances:

  When appliances are properly taken care of, they tend to last longer and remain in good shape. This prevents them from breaking down easily thereby saving money that would have been used to fix them.

8. Make a list: 

   Always make a list of things you really need and things you don't really need. Let go of the things you don't really need.

9. Quit the gym: 

   Quit the gym for sometime and do some exercises at home without having to spend money at the gym. Do some jogging and press-ups at home without going to the gym.

           To learn more about how to save money, visit a personal finance blog for more tips. There are many good personal finance blogs e.g., consumerist, coupon mom, daily finance, 5 dollar dinners and so many others. Find one today and get more information on how to save.
    What's your take on this???

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