Saturday, 6 December 2014

The unbelievable magic of banana peels

It is very surprising that most of the things we think are not important  are actually more important than we would have ever imagined. Banana peels are actually beneficial to us so do not toss yours into the waste bin. 

photo credit: nixxphotography at

photocredit: phasinphoto at

How to use banana peels to work wonders: 

As shoe polish: 

Yes, as crazy as it may sound, banana peels works magic on shoes when used as shoe polish. Rub the inner part of the peel on your shoes and clean off with a piece of clean cloth. You will marvel at the shining effect it will give your shoes.

photocredit: Chris Sharp at

Eases depression: 

Banana peels when boiled in water helps to relieve depression. Boil the peels in water and allow to cool before drinking it. 

Cures acne: 

Rub the banana peel on the affected part for some days and before you know it, the acne will be gone! 

Whitens teeth: 

The inner part of banana peel contains potassium which when rubbed on the teeth helps to remove dirt and leaves you with sparkling white teeth.

Reduces wrinkles: 

Mash banana peels and mix with egg yolk. Use this mixture on your face and rub in circles and leave it for some minutes before washing off.

Reduces the risk of cataracts: 

Keep the banana peels under the sun before rubbing them on the eyes. It protects the eyes against UV rays and also reduces the risk of cataracts.

Fights puffy eyes: 

Not only cucumbers can work the magic of combating puffy eyes, banana peels work just as well. Use the banana peels you would use a cucumber to give your eyes a bright look.

Brightens complexion: 

The nutrients in the peel helps to exfoliate the skin. Massage a banana peel over your face 2-3 times a week and leave for twenty minutes before washing off. This will give you a clearer and radiant look. 

Meat tenderizer: 

Banana peels can be used to prevent meat from becoming tough while being cooked.

Eat the peels: 

Some people will say "eating of peels is for goats!" Yes it is for goats but not only goats, human beings should eat them too after boiling. Boil the peel in water for 10-15 minutes. It contains nutrients and antioxidants which are good for health.

Removes wart: 

Rub the inner part of the banana peel on wart and leave for few minutes before washing out. Keep doing this twice a day until the wart disappears.

Before eating the banana peels make sure you purchase pesticides-free bananas. Banana peels are best to use when fresh and are not to be refridgerated. There are so many uses of banana peels so have a re-think when trying to discard the banana peels. 

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